Art and Money: The Most Famous Poem of the Middle Ages

During the Middle Ages and the Renaissance in Christian Europe, the attitude towards money was reprehensible, however, such a pressing topic arose in painting and literature. Money was exposed, but a righteous Christian was faced with the choice of money or eternal life?
Art magazine The Status Symbol publishes one of the most famous poems in world history, a 15th-century poem by an unknown medieval author dedicated to money, entitled “The Exposure of Money.” Translation by M. Gasparov.
Nowadays everywhere in the world
great favor to the coin.
Nowadays money is great
kings and worldly rulers.
For the sake of beloved money
the priest also will fall into sin,
and in the Ecumenical Council
everyone has money in their eyes.

Quentin Masseys. I changed it with my wife. 1514. Louvre
Money will throw us into wars,
then we will be allowed to live in peace.
The court decides for a fee
everything the rich man wants.
Everyone is selling, buying,
they take it and take it away again.
Money torments us with lies,
They also broadcast the truth of God.

Maker of money, frontispiece from the register of creditors of the Bologna credit society, illuminated by Nicolo di Giacomo di Nacimbene, known as ca Nicolo da Bologna Italia, Bologna, circa 1394–1395. Photo by Yanni Chiu. Morgan Library and Museum
Money is the shrine of the haves
and the promise of those who wait.
Money female fidelity
easily turned into hypocrisy.
Money from the noble and important
They will make corrupt creatures.
Wanting money, ruler
becomes a real robber.
And because of the money among the people
thieves are like stars in the sky.
Money is sweet for everyone
They are not afraid of hostile forces.
Money is a ringing word
For poor people, evil is worse than evil.
Money - we know this -
a fool is turned into a poet.
With those who have money
and the feast will never be poor.
Money will save you from illness,
will buy a girlfriend and a friend.
Money with a light heart
eat lamprey with pepper.
Money sucks from a jug
French sweet wines.
Money rings proudly
that everyone in front of them bows.
Money feasts with the nobility
and wear rich dresses.
Money is very powerful
They are all revered as God.
Money heals the sick
adds strength to healthy people,
they will make the vulgar sweet,
dear to the heart - hateful.
The lame will become a walking
sight will return to the blind.
You can praise them for a long time,
I just want to add one thing:

Hieronymus Bosch. Death of a Miser. 1500. National Gallery in Washington
I saw, I saw the other day,
how money served mass:
money sang a psalm,
and the money was given in response,
sermons were spoken
and bitter tears were shed,
and laughed under the tears,
then what was left with the income.
Money is held in high esteem everywhere
You won't find love without money.
If you were of the most vile disposition -
with money you have honor and glory.
Nowadays it is clear to everyone:
only money reigns supreme!
Their throne is the cup of the stingy,
and nothing is sacred to them.
Choral dance all around,
and in it all the vanity of the world,
and from this noisy crowd
Only the truly smart run.